Pirates of the Carribean
I’ve said it before: Drawing a caricature of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow is almost like cheating. He’s a character so covered in makeup and wigs and ornaments and hair that, even if you get the features in kind of the wrong places and exaggerate the wrong things, it still is going to look like Captain Jack Sparrow. In fact, every time I see a Captain Jack impersonator posing for photos on the Strip, I think, “That’s a pretty good Captain Jack Impersonator.” This caricature is from ’07. Looking back, I don’t love the likeness of Johnny Depp. But even so, it’s still unmistakably Jack Sparrow.
Orlando Bloom is another story. Always had a hard time making fun of that guy’s face. It shouldn’t be too difficult… wide face, small lips, sharp cheeks and jaw. But apparently I’m not alone… an image search for “Orlando Bloom Caricature” turns up several efforts, not of which can be said to nail the likeness. Hey, some people are just hard to draw.
Keira Knightley is also a challenge. This is a pretty old caricature, but I don’t hate some of the things I tried with her. I might try wider instead of taller next time, but I like her nose, chin, and underbite.