Leonard Nimoy Caricature by Celeste Cordova

A caricature by Celeste Cordova of Leonard Nimoy as Spock

Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy had a great face… always regal and intelligent, more so later in life. Here, Celeste takes all that quiet dignity and creates… this caricature.

Highlights for me are those veins squiggling just under the skin, the 45-degree eyebrows, and of course that mouth trying to escape from his face.

If you’ve never seen Leonard Nimoy sing The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins, then (A) What are you doing with your life, and (B) here it is:

Black Widow Caricature by Celeste Cordova

A caricature of Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow by Celeste Cordova

scarlett johansson

Those of you who check back regularly might notice that we just posted a Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow caricature over in Dominiques gallery.  What can I say?  Both Celeste and Dominique decided she was a worthy subject, and both drew her the same week.  It’s fun to compare… Celeste Cordova has been with us drawing caricatures for five years now, and is becoming a master of exaggerating while keeping a likeness.  Her drawings are growing more complex and unforgiving.  Dominique has been at it for two years, and she’s much kinder to her subjects.  Caricature artists tire of their own drawings after a while, and seek new ways to keep them interesting.

Something to appreciate about Scarlett Johansson is her nontraditional beauty.  The obtusely turned-up nose, the extra long upper lip and chin, and the fairly large teeth are all features that could combine badly… but on her face, they don’t.

Tony Stark by Celeste Cordova

A caricature of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, Iron Man

Tony Stark

That face!  Those eyelashes!

There’s this ongoing tension at the caricature stand.  Should we display samples that perfectly represent what we can do in a few minutes, which is how much time we have to draw guests?  Or should we display samples that show what we can really do when we take our time?  This caricature is a great example of something that takes a lot of time… but it’s so pretty we just want to display it anyway.

Robert Downey Jr… we know he can play many different roles, but after being Tony Stark in Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, The Avengers, and The Avengers 2, it might be hard for me to accept him as something new.

For a good time, watch Tropic Thunder with someone who does not know that Robert Downey Jr. is in the movie.  See how long it takes for them to spot him.

Neil Patrick Harris Caricature by Celeste Cordova


A caricature of actor Neil Patrick Harris, drawn by Celeste

Neil Patrick Harris

Neil Patrick Harris has been popular for as long as I’ve been alive.  When he starts to look like a grandpa, that’s when I’ll know I’m officially really, really old.

He’s been a great Doogie Howser, a super popular character on How I Met Your Mother, and a guest star in just about every show.  My personal favorite is probably Dr. Horrible from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.

This caricature by Celeste makes great use of his big ol’ forehead.  It’s also worth noticing how his eyebrows don’t follow his brow ridge.  The ridge gives him an angry expression, and the brows offset that with innocence.