Best Chase Scene

You give chase.

It’s very exciting!  It’s like a combination of all the best chase scenes from ever!

He knocks over a stack of chicken crates, and you have to leap over chickens!  He leaps from rooftop to rooftop over a very improbable distance, and you have to do the same!  He puts on an oversized animal head and almost loses you in a parade, but then you spot the briefcase and the chase is on again!  He runs through a kitchen and knocks over a giant pot of soup, and you slide for 20 feet, pinwheeling your arms furiously and knocking over cooks!

After many, many more awesome chase moments that I’m not going to draw, you tackle him through a plate-glass window over a swimming pool in slow motion.  It’s pretty cool.  As you pull him, spluttering, out of the water by his coat collar, you shout:

“The code!  What is it!”
“I’ll never tell you!” He spits, rage clouding his face.
“No problem.” You say.  “It’s in this briefcase, right?”
“Oh.”  He says.  “Yes.”
The briefcase is locked.  Instead of numbers, there are colors.
“Is this thing going to explode if I pick the wrong color?”  You ask.
“What’s the right color?”

“I’ll never tell you!”  He says.  “Not for a vermillion dollars!  Oops.”

Which color will you pick?